How to grow bok choy in containers? this time I try to share with you all. Because maybe some prefer to plant it conventionally. The container we mean here is a polybag because it is more universal and easier to get.
Usually, this bok choy is grown hydroponically. Because hydroponic bok choy is very easy and simple to do. Whether it’s NFT hydroponics or simple hydroponics.
Even though it’s easy, it doesn’t mean growing bok choy in containers is without constraints. There are several things that we may encounter. And I will also share it in this article.
How to grow bok choy in containers from Seeding to Harvesting
How to grow bok choy in containers is basically very easy. bok choy itself is a type of vegetable that comes from the cruciferous family. This bok choy is actually in the same family as cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli.
The planting model using containers is now increasingly popular. Especially for those who live in urban areas. Which has very minimal remaining land around his house.
In this case, vegetables are a type of plant that can be easily cultivated using these containers. Examples such as bok choy. One type of vegetable that can be easily grown is using bok choy. So, the question then is how to plant bok choy in containers?
Steps for how to grow bok choy in containers
We mentioned above that planting bok choy in containers is very easy. In addition, it is also said that bok choy is a type of vegetable that can be easily grown.
So, the question then is how to plant pakcoy using polybag media?
Seedling Stage
Before planting Pakcoy in polybags, of course, the seeds must be sown first. This method of seeding is actually very easy. Here are the steps for pakcoy seed sowing:
- Prepare the planting medium in the form of a mixture of sifted soil, husk charcoal, and compost. Then for the comparison is 1: 1: 1.
- After that, enter the planting media into the pot tray or seedling tray. Then flush using enough water until evenly distributed. Wait a few moments until the water no longer drips from the hole at the bottom of the pot tray or seedling tray.
- After the water is no longer dripping, make a hole for the seedling about 0.5 cm deep. Add one bok choy seed to each seedling hole that you made earlier. After all the holes are filled, then close the holes again.
- For the bok choy seeds to germinate quickly, it is highly recommended to cover the seedlings with dark plastic. Later, within 2 or 3 days, the bok choy seeds will sprout.
- Once the bok choy seeds start germinating, don’t forget to take good care of them. Try to keep these seedlings in direct sunlight. Then try not to get exposed to rainwater.
- Don’t forget to regularly water the bok choy seedlings every morning and evening. Then for the growth to be even more optimal, you have to apply fertilizer between 3 and 5 days
I think the steps for sowing the bok choy above are very clear. You just follow and the presentation of success is very high.
Because yesterday I used the remaining seedlings for hydroponics, this is the picture.

Planting Stage
The next step for growing box coy in containers is the planting stage. You can do this planting stage after the pakcoy seeds are 1 to 2 weeks old. But before that, don’t forget to prepare the container first.

After that, prepare the planting media. In this case, you can use a mixture of soil, husk charcoal, and compost. Remember the ratio is 1: 1: 1. then you put it in the container.
In order for the bok choy to thrive, you can add 1 tablespoon of NPK fertilizer.
After that, mix the NPK fertilizer until it is evenly distributed with other planting media. Flush, then let the medium stand for 1 to 2 weeks. Remember, you should do the transfer of bok choy seeds to containers in the afternoon.

Also, remember to water the bok choy seeds that you will be moving first. The goal is to avoid stressing the bok choy. Then you remove the bok choy seeds one by one and then water them. Now, for the next watering, you should do it for 1 to 2 days.
The next step for growing bok choy in containers is fertilization. The goal is clear so that the bok choy can grow quickly and completely. In this case, you can use NPK fertilizer.
You should give NPK fertilizer every 5 or 7 days. Then, use a leaking system for fertilization. The trick is to dissolve the NPK fertilizer into the water at a dose of 1 gram per liter.
In my opinion, giving fertilizer with a leaky system is the best way. Because the fertilizer has dissolved in the water and is ready to be absorbed by the plant roots. This will encourage faster growth of the bok choy.
For leafy vegetables, NPK fertilizer alone is sufficient until the bok choy is harvested. Because the planting medium already has compost. Regarding the type of NPK, there are many choices.
Bok choy care
The care we need to do in growing bok choy in containers is pulling out the weeds that grow on the surface of the containers. So that the nutrients from the fertilizer only focus on the bok choy.
In addition, bok choy is a vegetable that is very popular with animals such as insects.
Among others are:
Sometimes flies too
Dragonflies, butterflies, and flies make bok choy their breeding ground. They will lay the eggs.
These eggs after hatching will become caterpillars. This caterpillar will eat the bok choy leaves as its main feed.
This bok choy has been eaten by caterpillars. knowing it is too late, the young leaves are almost completely eaten by the caterpillars.
Harvest Stage
It took about a month to harvest bok choy in containers. How to harvest it, you just have to pull it out or you can cut the base of the stem.
So, so that it doesn’t wither easily after you harvest it, it’s best to put the bok choy in the shade. Or, if the bok choy has been pulled, we dip the roots in the water. the bok choy won’t wither for days. Those who don’t have a refrigerator can try this method.
Another alternative in harvesting pakcoy is that we take the bottom pakcoy leaves only. Leave the top leaves. Later, when the top leaves are big, we can harvest them again.
Potluck documentation of growing bok choy in containers.